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Connecting the World: The Panama Canal at 100

1 November 2014 - 1 February 2015

Mint Museum Uptown

at Levine Center for the Arts



To mark the centennial opening of the Panama Canal, Connecting the World: The Panama Canal at 100 gathers the work of American artists Joseph Pennell, Alson Skinner Clark, and Jonas Lie to consider their individual interpretations of their travels to Panama and the canal site.  Works by other artists who visited South America such as Frederic Church, Martin Johnson Heade, and Louis Remy Mignot will be on display as well along with artists like Ernest Lawson and George Bellows who depicted American life and industry.  To accompany the exhibition and gain modern perspectives on the canal's legacy, the Mint has commissioned a new short story by award-winning author Anthony Doerr as well as a new work of art by artist Mel Chin.  


History and representations of the Panama Canal 



"Through the Canal Bottom," 1912. Film footage of the Panama Canal under construction and "Experience Panama" 2012. From the BBC series "Seven Wonders of the Industrial World"


 Alson Skinner Clark

  • Biography 
  • An example of one of Clark's murals preserved by the Mural Conservancy of Los Angeles 
  • View high definition pictures of Clark paintings from the Vallejo Gallery along with a short biography  
  • Watch an appraisal of a Clark oil painting from the Antiques Roadshow 


Jonas Lie


Joseph Pennell 


Mel Chin


Paydirt: Art 21 Exclusive



Anthony Doerr 


Doerr reading "Butterflies" at Pop Tech




Other Featured Artists  


Selected Print Resources from the Mint Museum Library

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Created by Rachel Dressel, Intern for Mint Museum Library