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Project Ten Ten Ten

Project Ten Ten Ten


Commissions for the Mint Museum of Craft + Design 

at the Mint Museum Uptown


 Danny Lane   Hildur Bjarnadóttir    Tetsunori Kawana 

The Project

To celebrate the October 2010 opening of the Mint Museum Uptown, the Mint Museum of Craft + Design launched Project Ten Ten Ten. The Museum commissioned 10 of the world's most innovative craft artists to create works especially for the new facility. When the doors opened, visitors were able to see spectacular works installed in the Craft + Design galleries by major artists Danny Lane, Ted Noten, Joseph Walsh and Hildur Bjarnadóttir.


Following were equally striking commissions from Tetsunori Kawana, Kate Malone, Tom Joyce, Cristina Córdova, Susan Point and Ayala Serfaty. This special Mint Wiki page has been created to provide information on the artists and the works involved in this unique endeavor.


The Artists 

Danny Lane     Glass / Great Britain


Hildur Bjarnadóttir     Fiber / Iceland


 Joseph Walsh     Wood / Ireland


Ted Noten     Jewelry / The Netherlands


Tetsunori Kawana     Bamboo / Japan


Kate Malone     Ceramics / Great Britain


Ayala Serfaty     Design / Israel    


Cristina Córdova     Ceramics / United States 


Susan Point     Wood / Canada


Tom Joyce     Metal / United States



