Artists last names A-D
Bolded items in the list below, are linked to the corresponding artist file cataloged in MARCO.
Abbey, Edwin
Abbott, Bernice
Abe, Anjin
Abercrombie, Gertrude
Adam, James- one file with Adams, Robert
Adam, Robert -one file with Adam, James
Adams, Ansel
Adler, Lee
Agnona (Designer)
Albers, Anni
Albers, Josef
Alexander, Cosmo
Alexander, John White
Allan, William George
Alsop, Adele
Alston, Charles
Altman, Harold
Amerman, Marcus
Anderson, Eric
Andreson, Lauren
Andrews, Samuel
Anuszkiewicz, Richard
Appel, Karel
Aptekar, Ken
Armata, Ludmila
Armour, Charles
Arms, John Talylor
Arroyave-Portela, Nick
Assereto, Gioacchino
Astbury, Paul
Audubon, John- James
Auman, Walter and Dorothy Cole
Aust, Gottfried
Avery, Blaine
Avery, Milton
Babu, Victor
Bacerra, Ralph
Bachelder, Oscar Lewis
Bachorik, Vladimr
Backstrom, Miriam
Bacon, Frederick
Bacon, Peggy
Badalocchio, Sisto
Baeder, John
Baer, Howard
Baekeland, Celina
Baggs, Andrew H.
Baggs, Arthur E.
Bailey, Clayton
Bailey, Radcliffe
Bailey, William
Bakker, Gijs
Baldwin, Byron
Baldwin, Gordon
Balenciaga, Christobal
Bally, Boris
Baltar, Brigida
Banford, James
Bangs, Mary Constance
Bannard, Walter Darby
Barber, R. Dean
Barber, Sam
Bardin, Jesse Redwin
Barford, Barnaby
Barker, Norman
Barnard, Rob
Barnes, Dorothy Gill
Barnes, Ernie
Barnet, Will
Barnwell, Tim
Bart, Elizabeth
Bartlett, Paul
Basham, Charles
Baskin, Leonard
Bass, David Lorey
Bateman, Bodeman
Beal, Jack
Bean, Bennett
Bearden, Romare
Bechtle, C Ronald
Bechtler, Augustus
Beck, Rick
Beck, Rosemarie
Beechey, Sir William
Behar, Yves
Bellows, George
Bengtsson, Mathias
Bennett, Gary Knox
Bennett, Jamie
Bentley, Thomas
Benton, Thomas Hart
Berstein, William
Betz, Doris
Beyers, Bernice West
Bhavsar, Natran
Biagi, Mattia
Bicknell, William H.
Bierstadt, Albert
Biggers, John
Biggers, Sanford
Bilenker, Melanie
Biles, Russell
Bireline, George
Birch, Thomas
Bishop, Isabel
Bjarnadottir, Hildur
Blackman, Jane
Blackwell, Tarleton
Blair, Carl Raymond
Blavarp, Liv
Bloom, Hill
Bogart, Richard
Bonfield, George R
Bonheur, Rosa
Bonner, Jonathan
Bosand, Alfred
Bottega, Veneta
Boucher, Franois
Bourdelle, Emile Antoine
Bowers, J
Bova, Joe
Bowen, Cline
Bower, J.
Boxer, Stanley
Brackens, Diedrick
Brackman, Robert
Bradford, Elizabeth
Brady, Carolyn
Brady, Robert
Brainard, Joe
Breck, John Leslie
Breinan, Raymond
Brekveld, Arian
Bridges, Charles
Briggs, Lamar
Bril, Curt
Bringle, Cynthia
Bringle, Edwina
Brodie, Grandy
Brooks, James
Brown, Christie
Brown, John George
Bruges, Masters of 1480
Bunnen, Lucinda
Buonagurio, Toby
Buonagurio, Edgar
Burchard, Christian
Burchfield, Charles
Burgess, Linda
Burnett, Charles
Burnette, Clay
Burpee, William
Burrows, Alice and George
Buswell, Richard
Butt, Harlan W
Butterly, Kathy
Byers, Eric
Byron, John
Caiger-Smith, Alan
Calder, Alexander
Calhoun, Dempsey
Calhoun, Lottie
Callahan, Henry
Callott, Jacques
Callowhill, James
Campbell, Blendon
Canal, Giovanni
Capa, Robert
Carbonell, Nacho
Carder, Frederick
Cardin, Annie
Cardin, Pierre
Carelli, Gabriel
Carnegie, Hattie
Carr, James
Carsman, Jon
Carter, Kevin
Carson, William
Caruso, Nino
Cassatt, Mary
Cassidy, Angela
Castello, Valerio
Castle, Wendell
Catesby, Mark
Catlett, Elizabeth
Caulfield, Patrick
Cave, Nick
Cayot, Claude
Cecula, Marek
Cedarquist, John
Cemin, Saint Clair
Cezanne, Paul
Chagall, Marc
Chailloux, Robert
Chasanoff, Allan
Chase, William Meritt
Chereau, Francoise
Chilhuhy, Dale
Chin, Mel
Chinnery, George
Chintreuil, Antoine
Cicero, Carmen
Claiborne, Liz
Claney, Howard
Clark, Alson
Cleary, Manon
Cleff, Michael
Clonney, James G
Close, Chuck
Coburn, Bette
Cohen, Carol
Cohen, George
Cohen, Herb
Colangelo, Rebecca
Cole, Thomas
Collie, Kate
Colon, Gisela
Cone-Skelton, Annette
Colyer, Edwaert
Cone-Skelton, Annette
Constable, John
Constant, George
Cooke, S. Tucker
Cooper, Washington
Copley, John Singleton
Corbino, John
Cordova, Christina
Core, Shannon
Cornelius, Phillip
Costelloe, Robert
Cotes, Francis
Couch, Clara
Cox, Joe
Coyne, Petah
Craig, Burlon
Craig, Thomas Bigelow
Craven, Donna
Creech, Frank
Cribbs, Keke
Cress, George
Croker, Michael
Croker, Robert
Cropsey, Jasper Francis
Crutchfield, William Richard
Curneen, Claire
Currie-Bell, Tom
Currier, Ives
Currier, Nathaniel
Currin, John
Curry, John
Dailey, Don
Daingerfield, Elliot
Daingerfield, Marjorie
Daley, William
Dali, Salvador
Daubigny, Charles-Francoise
Daumier, Honore
Davidson, Bruce
Davies, Arthur B
Davis, Alexander
Davis, Donald R
Davis, Gene
Davis, Hubert
Davis, James
Davis, Jamie
Davis, Stuart
Day, Arless
Day, E.U.
de Kooning, Elaine
de Kooning, William
De Niro. Robert
Dellingers, Adrienne
Demerith, Carolyn
Deniro, Robert
Destaebler, Stephen
Derby Silver Company
De Vore, Richard
De Waal, Edmund
Dean, Porter
Deckard, John
Del' Isle, Roseline
Delacroix, Eugene
Delaney, Beauford
Dellinger, Adrienne
DeMarco, Jean
DeMerritt, Carolyn
Denney, Jim
Derain, Andre
Derby, Silver Co.
Destaebler, Stephen
Dial, Thorton
Diaz, Lope
Diaz de la Pena, Narcisse Virgile
Diebenkorn, Richard
Dillingham, Rick
Dine, Jim
Dior, House of
Doat, Taxille
Dolnick, Judith
Donati, Enrico
Dorbaum, Martin
Dorgeloh, Marguerite
Dotson, Virginia
Doughty, Thomas
Dow, Arthur
Downing, Thomas
Drake, David
Draper-Savage, Edward
Drechsler, Johann-Baptist
Driesbach, Fritz
Drerup, Karl
Dresser, Christopher
Drexler, Lynn
Droochsloot, Joost
Du Bois, Guy Pene
Duckworth, Roth
Dunlap, William
Dunn, Harvey
Dunton, William
Durer, Albrecht
Dwight, John
Artists last names A-D
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